Women's Rights PSA

On Friday, August 5, 2022, I had the honor of participating in a very special PSA. I played a hospital administrator who argues with a doctor about her patient, who will die without an emergency D&C. Because of the new law in GA, even though a woman might be hemorrhaging and miscarrying, the procedure is illegal if she is more than six weeks pregnant.

The spot was produced by PHI BETA SIGMA FRATERNITY, a social/service group founded at Howard University in the early 1900s. It will be shown on TV and at HBCUs around the country.

It was MOS, but we improv’d dialog and they were happy with my work. Everyone was wonderful and I am so proud to be a part of it. They thanked me, but I thanked them for doing the real work.

It was a paid job, but the truth is, I would have done it for free.

Karen Ragan-George