ONCE A HERO Screens in Huntsville, Alabama!

YAHOO! This Sunday, June 27, 2021, ONCE A HERO (formerly ONLY EASY DAY) will have it’s debut screening!

The pandemic put the brakes on a lot of projects and this wonderful feature was no exception. But Producer/Director TIMOTHY REISCHAUER and Writer/Producer/Star BRETT JONES were determined to overcome all obstacles and finish their film.

ONCE A HERO is the heartbreaking yet beautifully told story of an Iraq War veteran who, like so many others, returns home struggling with PTSD. Brett Jones as Bradley Johnson is transcendent. His understated portrayal of a man hopelessly lost is a thing of beauty. I am so lucky to have two scenes with him. He was a joy to work with.

The screening is a fundraiser and all monies raised will be donated to local organizations that provide aid and support for veterans with PTSD. A talk-back and reception will follow the screening.

I am honored to have a part in this very special, very important film. David and I are excited to attend the screening and I can’t wait to see Tim and Brett again!

Karen Ragan-George